Minardi Management is pleased to announce that our two Lithuanian drivers, Markas Silkunas and Vanesa Silkunaite, will represent their Nation at the next FIA Motorsport Games which will take place in Valencia from 23 to 27 October 2024.

Giovanni Minardi:I am extremely happy that the Lithuanian Federation has chosen Markas and Vanesa to represent their country. I am sure that Markas in the Senior category and Vanesa in the Junior category will absolutely be able to do well and represent their country in the best possible way.

Markas Silkunas:I’m Markas, a Lithuanian go-kart driver, and guess what? I’m super stoked to say I’ll be representing Lithuania at the FIA Games for the 2nd time! Man, it’ll be unreal to be back there, will be ready to get on the track again. To the previous edition was awesome, but this time, I’m gonna push even harder. Gonna analyze every corner, every move. And you know what? It’s not just about winning for me, it’s about showing what we can do as a country in motorsport. I want to make Lithuania proud and prove that with grit and determination, we can compete at the highest level.

Vanesa Silkunaite:My name is Vanesa, I’m a Lithuanian driver and I am honored to represent my country in FIA Games on October 23-27th! I will try my best to show the talent and determination of our country’s racing community. With the support of my team and fans, I aim to push the limits and achieve success on this amazing go-kart track. Hope to see you there!