We are pleased to announce that our driver Vanesa Silkunaite, after the experience at the beginning of the year in CRG in the WSK Master Series and in the FIA ​​Academy, has decided to participate in the two English PF International races, the Champions of the future race on 08/09/24 and the race of the races, the FIA ​​World Champions on 15/09/24.

The Team chosen for this new experience is the Koski Motorsport team, by Jan Koski. We are sure that with the experience of the Team, the OTK material and the Machac Motors engine, Vanesa will be able to perform well in these two events even if in very competitive contexts.

Giovanni Minardi:I am happy that Vanesa has joined Koski, because it is an excellent Team that can teach her a lot. For Vanesa it will not be the first experience in this context because last April she took part in the Valencia race of the Champions of the future and the CIK FIA European Championship. Thanks to the experience accumulated in these additional months and the knowledge of the level of this type of race, he will certainly have some extra weapons to play to do well.