Marcus James Galanis-Sinai, a young multicultural driver born in Australia, but living between three nations, Australia, UK and Monaco, joins the Minardi Management family.
Marcus entered the world of Motorsport this year, he spent these first eight months training every day, he took part in races in various English Championships and now he is ready to enter the Championships that count.
Although he does not have much experience, he is not afraid of competing with the strongest, because he has great ambition and the desire to achieve excellent results.

Giovanni Minardi:The collaboration with Marcus Galanis and his family is a project that gives me great energy, because it starts from a blank sheet of paper. Despite being twelve years old, Marcus has only tried his hand at Karting this year, but he has shown great things right from the start. Marcus comes from the world of football, where he was doing very well and with excellent prospects, but he chose to move to Motorsport and especially to Minardi Management, so that we could help him grow and make his dream come true.

Marcus James Galanis-Sinai:I am both humbled and honoured to be a part of the Minardi Motorsport family moving forward. With such a rich heritage in Formula 1 and motorsport in general I am grateful for the belief shown in me by the Agency and Giovanni Minardi himself. I look forward to and am excited about what lies ahead and I cannot wait to repay the Agency for their faith in me.